Line 33: Line 33:

Install prereqs
Install prereqs
<pre>sudo apt-get install python-gdbm python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y
<pre>sudo apt-get install python-gdbm python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y</pre>
sudo apt-get install python2.6 python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y</pre>

Revision as of 00:26, 10 October 2016

Install Debian as Desktop Server

Add Hard Drives to FStab

# <device>             <dir>         <type>    <options>             <dump> <fsck>
/dev/sda1              /             ext4      defaults,noatime      0      1
/dev/sda2              none          swap      defaults              0      0
/dev/sda3              /home         ext4      defaults,noatime      0      2

Install PlexMediaServer

Download 64 bit .deb file from

Install Conky

sudo aptitude install conky

Install Mumble Server

sudo aptitude install mumble-server

Install PHP5/MySQL

sudo aptitude install php5 mysql-server

Install Google Chrome

Install SabNZBD/Sickbeard

Install prereqs

sudo apt-get install python-gdbm python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y