From Interdrone 2015
- Diane
Areas for Further Research
Crowd Analytics through Facial Recognition
Software package called ImoVu - Deep Learning architecture for image processes that imitates human recognition
- Vision for Embedded Systems
- 97% accurate
- 140 FPS on i7 processor
- Ambient Intelligence (AML) - Electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people.
- Minimal required resolution for a face: 50x50px, Ideal 70x70px
- Does not use FACS
- Uses OpenCV open source software to identify faces and for some devices, sometimes falls back to the devices facial recognition
- This software is not useful for things or places (only people)
- Allows for
- Access to Hard to reach places
- Large coverage area
- Eye Level
- Improved angles
- Trained For
- 5 Major ethnic groups
- 5 age groups
- 2 genders
- 10 lightning conditions
- 13 head poses
- supervised and unsupervised
- different camera structures
- different resolution
- different face attributes
- Joy
- Surprise
- Sadness
- Disgust
- Anger
- Fear
- Neutral
3D Mapping
- sketchfab - 3d modeling software
- pointcloud
- DroneDeploy - android app for creating 3d mesh and orthomap ($300 a month)
- Pix4D - the primary software for creating 3 modeling of terrain
- Adjisoft Photoscan (?) - Competitor to pix4d
- Autodesk is working on comparable software
Flying in Wind: State Estimation for UAS
- Douglas Weibel, PHD
- Wind - a vector velocity field with spatial and temporal variation
- Wind has structured (predictive) and random properties (turbulence) that are difficult to model
- State
- Attitude (Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Roll Rate, Pitch Rate, Yaw Rate)
- Attitude Rates
- Position
- Velocity
- Other possible states
- Wind Paramters
- Height over ground
- Battery energy
- gyro bias
- accel bias
- Attitude Estimation
- Stabilized Sub Platform
- Whabba's problem
- Integration
- Combined
- Contempory Sensors
- Gyros
- Accelerometers
- Magnetomers
- GPS Baseline
- Thermopile
- Elecstratic potential
- Opical sensors
- Federated Filter
- Attitude Filter ( Cascaded Filter )
Applications of Rotation Matrices and Matrix-Vector Algebra in Autopilots
Bill Premerlani
- A rotation matrix is a linear homegeneous transformation
- Tensor
FAA Regulations: Past, Present, and Future
- Jim Williams
- Drones are named from the first unmanned aircraft in Britain during WW1
- [1]
- FAA cant regulate anything congress doesn't give them authority over
- Required for an aircraft to be regulated
- Approved Pilot
- Aircraft Certificate
- Code of Federal Regulations (91.113) - you must be able to see and avoid other aircraft (thus-- you need a 333)
- COWA - Certificate of Waiver or Authorization
- AC - 91.57A new AC that regulates RC hobby
- AC's are not regulatory
- CFR 14 91.13 Careless and Reckless Operation
- Aircraft operations for the purpose of air navigation. No person may operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another.
- Don't do stupid things that put people in the air at risk.
- 14 CFR Part 107 creates new rules for small unmanned aircraft systems
- Examples
- CNN is looking at tethered aircraft (tether provides power) - Power Electronics 01
- Railroad wants UAV to monitor tracks in front of trains looking for issues with tracks
- Farmers are looking for ways to safely use UAV without LOS by monitoring airspace for incoming commercial aircraft
- FAA - Department of Transportation interactions take a lot of time
- Most insurance policies will not cover accidents caused by commercial use of drones
- Some companies with 333 exemptions are suing companies operating without the proper exemptions
Embedded Computer Vision for Safer, Faster Drones
- Goksel Dedeoglu, Founder PercepTonic, LLC
- Computer vision algorithms analyze images to extract information about the world (allowing machines that perceive)
- Size and shape
- 3d position
- Identity
- Expression
- Location
- Motion
- Illumniation, weather, etc.
- Two things relevant for drone operation:
- Motion
- Depth
- Inertial sensors
- Identifies key points
- GerbilBall is a safety sphere enabled by real-time depth sensing
- Stereo-based
- Has limitations on how close the two objects can be to each other
- Can have as many cameras as needed to create a realtime look in all directions (expensive)
- For objects that don't move often, may be cheaper to build an internal model of what has been seen
- Best guess for power efficient vision computation is heterogeneous and multi-core architechtures
- Examples
- Fire Phone makes good use of computer vision with multiple cameras
- Dyson 360 Roomba