
FYSETC Spider Controller

Bootloader Setup

Installation of the bootloader/firmware is a little confusing and I initially thought I had a bad board. I haven't been able to install bootloader or firmware without shorting the BOOT0 pins to force DFU mode. Here's the general process:

  1. Install jumper on BT0 pins and power on
  2. Launch STM32CubeProgrammer, select USB, and Connect
  3. Click the Erasing and Programming tab, and then:
    1. Pick the Bootloader_FYSETC_SPIDER.hex bootloader from the FYSETC Spider GitHub Repo
    2. Select Verify programming and Full Chip Erase
    3. Click Start Programm..
  4. Next install the firmware (previously compiled)
    1. Choose the firmware. After compiling, it can generally be found in the <<install path>>firmware/Marlin/.pio/build/FYSETC_S6_8000
    2. IMPORTANT: Change the Start addr.. to 0x08008000

Firmware (Marlin) Configuration



#define SERIAL_PORT -1

#define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 11