Laser Guided Bombs
- Preflight
- From R console, put FLIR into standby (this take a few minutes to warm up)
- From PFD, click Menu, FLIR
- A/G Mode
- Select LG Bomb
- Each LG bomb will have XXXX for it's laser code. We need to set a code
- Select CODE (bottom left), click "CODE" on UFC, and then type code (ie. 1685) and "ENT" (repeat for each LG bomb)
- This assigns the laser guided code to that bomb
- Setup Targeting Pod Laser Code
- If "CODE" is displayed on HUD, it indicates that the TPOD and bomb are mismatched
- Click UFC on PFD, Click LTDC on UFC (Laset Target Designation Code), enter 1685 and ENT
- Code should disappear
- Targeting
- ## S key resets targeting pod to nose
- Use Thottle Select Hat to Slew targetting pod
- Use
- Dropping
- Use the Sensor Control Switch (right) to select the Targeting pod
- Once Targeting Pod is Operational, ARM laser from R Console
- Can confirm laser is active, L ARM should display on TPOD display
- Laser must be rearmed after each drop
Cold and Dark Startup
- Verify wing is folded (near Hook)
- Start APU (left side). Wait for green
- Right Engine (left panel)
- CRANK right engine (right click)
- Add fuel at 18% (RShift Home)
- Start all screens
- Left/Right DDI
- HUD (below UFC)
- MPCD (screen below HUD)
- Rotate BLEED AIR NORM 360 degrees (right panel)
- Close canopy (right click and hold)
- Left Engine (left panel)
- CRANK left engine (left click)
- Add fuel at 18% (RALT Home)
- Left Side Switches
- OBOGGS/Oxygen (left click)
- Very AntiSkid Off
- Verify Hook Bypass (Carrier)
- Right Side Switches
- Radar (OPR/Operate) (right side)
- INS (CV)
Carrier Ops
- Raise FLAPS to HALF
- Verify Nosewheel Steering is Full NSI (S)
- Pitot Heat ON (left click)
- AV COOL (near hook) (left click)
- INS to IFA (right click)