Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
- Nose Steer - Insert
- R Engine Start - Right CTRL-Home
- L Engine Start - Left CTRL Home
- Alt C - Mouselook
- Ctrl Numpad 0 - Fixed View Mode (numpad to jump around)
Cold Start
Battery Panel (Right Side Below Canopy Switch)(numpad 0)
- Battery On (left click)
- Inverter Stdby (right click)
- Optionally close canopy to reduce noise (left click hold)
Left Panel Near Throttles (numpad 1)
- Seat Release
- APU start (leftclick) (wait until 100%)
Battery Panel (numpad 0)
- APU GEN PW on (left click)
Right Lower Panel (Below CDU) (numpad 3)
Note that these need to be turned on as early as possible to reduce ILS alignment time
- CDU On (left click)
- EGI On (left click)
Spool Engine (numpad 1)
- Spool Right Engine (Right CTRL Home)
While engine is spooling, continue checklist
Left Upper Panel (9 o'clock from Throttles)
- Yaw SAS L & R (left click)
- Pitch SAS L & R (left click)
Left Top Panel
- CICU, JTRS, IFFCC on (left click)
- PFC & MFC on (right click)
- Anti Skid on (left click)
Spool Left Engine (numpad 1)
- Left Engine Start (Right Alt Home)
Warning System - Right Console
- MWS, JMR, RWR DISP on (left click)
- MODE auto (right click )
EGI (middle panel above stick)
- move stick, EGI on
- Nav on
APU Off (Right and Left panels)
- APU off
PFD Mapping
- TAD twice to select POI
- Home (zoom in)
- End (zoom out)