Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Nose Steer - Insert
  2. R Engine Start - Right CTRL-Home
  3. L Engine Start - Left CTRL Home
  4. Alt C - Mouselook
  5. Ctrl Numpad 0 - Fixed View Mode (numpad to jump around)

Cold Start

Battery Panel (Right Side Below Canopy Switch)(numpad 0)

  1. Battery On (left click)
  2. Inverter Stdby (right click)
  3. Optionally close canopy to reduce noise (left click hold)

Left Panel Near Throttles (numpad 1)

  1. Seat Release
  2. APU start (leftclick) (wait until 100%)

Battery Panel (numpad 0)

  1. APU GEN PW on (left click)

Right Lower Panel (Below CDU) (numpad 3)

Note that these need to be turned on as early as possible to reduce ILS alignment time

  1. CDU On (left click)
  2. EGI On (left click)

Spool Engine (numpad 1)

  1. Spool Right Engine (Right CTRL Home)

While engine is spooling, continue checklist

Left Upper Panel (9 o'clock from Throttles)

  1. Yaw SAS L & R (left click)
  2. Pitch SAS L & R (left click)

Left Top Panel (Below Primary Display)

  1. CICU, JTRS, IFFCC on (left click)
  2. PFC & MFC on (right click)
  3. Anti Skid on (left click)

Spool Left Engine (numpad 1)

  1. Left Engine Start (Right Alt Home)

While engine is spooling, continue checklist

Countermeasure Systems (Right Console Left of Canopy Switch)

  1. MWS, JMR, RWR DISP on (left click)
  2. MODE auto (right click )

APU Off (Left Panel near Throttle and Battery Panel)

  1. APU off
  2. APU GEN PWR off

Nav System

  1. Wait for T=4.0 .08 to appear on CDU to indicate ILS alignment.
    • This started when you turned on the CDU/EGI above.
    • First number will gradually increase and second number will decrease for around 5 mins
  2. Once T=4.0 .08 and ILS is aligned, click the NAV button on CDU
  3. Move the stick to the left and select EGI button
  4. Finally, click the AAP switch to on in the autopilot module

If you fail to do this alignment process properly, autopilot cannot be turned on and will not work.

Warning Panel

At this point, unless I've missed something, all warnings should be off.

PFD Map Navigation

  1. TAD twice to select POI
  2. Home (zoom in)
  3. End (zoom out)

Maverick Init

If flying with Mavericks, their optics need to be initialized

  1. Select MAV on PFD
  2. EO Off (to turn on)
  3. Time should begin counting down. At 3:00, the optics are initialized. At 45:00, optic efficiency is reduced slightly.


  1. Crack the canopy
  2. Hit the \ key to Open Comm Menu
  3. Hit F8 to talk to Ground Crew
  4. Hit F1 to Refuel/Rearm
  5. Select armaments and say OK
  6. Verify that ground crew says Copy
  7. Close canopy and wait for weapons